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Home > Learn > CHEESE MAKING


It’s easy to prepare kefir cheese or other kinds of cheese with the cheese maker. The unique design enables you to separate the cultured milk from the whey easily and quickly. The whey will strain through the mesh and remain in the glass jar and in the mesh you will get fresh creamy cheese.

Kefir cream cheese has all the features of cream cheese with aditional benefits of live cultures that are the result of fermentation. DIY preparation of fermented cheese is the best way to make sure you have fresh cheese on your menu every day.

See the answers to FAQs about cheese making below.


Pour the kefir into the Kefirko Cheese Maker mesh basket. You can pour in approximately 0,6 l (20 oz) of kefir. Cover with top lid – do not secure tightly, to allow airflow – to prevent the small pieces and flies to fall into the kefir cheese.


Put the Kefirko Cheese Maker into the fridge to prevent/slow down further fermentation. Leave it for the appropriate time for it to strain and to get the desired thickness of the cheese. During the straining it can happen that some cheese dries on the edge of the ring which you can easily clean with the spoon.


Take the Kefirko Cheese Maker out of the fridge and open the top lid. (You can use the pressing spring at this point to make harder cheese.) Unscrew the ring and take it off together with the mesh basket. Use the top lid as a tray for the mesh basket and drop the ring down. Take the mesh basket and turn it over the plate to take out the cheese.


The cheese is now ready to consume or to use in the recipes. Flavour your cheese by adding dry or fresh fruit, nuts, herbs or spices of your choice. Choose the ingredients and prepare fresh cheese the way you like it.

To prepare kefir cheese you need kefir and supplies. You can use a Kefirko Cheese Maker – a kitchen tool designed to prepare homemade kefir cheese. It includes a mesh basket where the kefir is straining. We designed it to achieve slow straining to ensure solids stay in the basket even though the whey strains out. The mesh basket is attached to a glass jar that enables preserving the whey – the liquid that strains out.

Make kefir cheese with Kefirko Cheese Maker

cheese maker

You can make a variety of cheeses with Kefirko Cheese Maker. The kitchen tool was designed to prepare kefir cheese but you can prepare many other cheeses with it. It’s easy to prepare cottage cheese, mozzarella, mascarpone, ricotta and other cheeses with the help of this innovative tool. Recipe book included!

Get your own Kefirko Cheese Maker

cheese maker

You don’t need additives, rennet or cheese starters to prepare kefir cheese. On the other side if you want to prepare other kinds of cheeses you will need to culture the milk first, usually this happens with the help of rennets, lemon juice etc.

Use Kefirko Cheese Maker to prepare cheese:

cheese maker

If you are making kefir cheese from scratch, you have to make the kefir first. It takes 12-24 hrs for kefir to ferment. Then you strain the kefir, you can strain it directly into the Kefirko Cheese Maker. Also, it depends what kind of consistency you are looking for in your kefir cheese. The longer the kefir strains, drier and thicker is the cheese. Here are the estimates for the time of straining. Note that the consistency of your cheese also depends on individual ingredients and temperature.

Time of straining
  • Few hours for a thicker kefir that can be used for dips.
  • Overnight for creamy cheese.
  • 1-2 days to get semi-hard cheese.

To get semi-hard cheese you can also use the pressing spring with disc to ensure all the whey strains out.

Make homemade cheese

kefirko cheese maker

We recommend making kefir cheese in cool space or the fridge to stop/slow down further fermentation of kefir. In contrast, if you prefer more sour/fermented taste of the cheese you can leave it to strain at room temperature.

Prepare kefir cheese

cheese maker

Kefir cheese is very similar to regular soft cheese in consistency. Similarly, it has a bit more sour and acidic taste the same as the kefir. The smell of the kefir cheese is a little yeasty and kefir-like too.

Prepare probiotic cheese

cheese maker

You can prepare 100-200g of kefir cheese in a small jar using 600ml of milk kefir and 200-400g of cheese in a large jar using 1000ml of milk kefir.

Prepare homemade cheese with Kefirko

cheese maker


Cheese preparation made easy!