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Home > Recipes > Brioche made with kefir

Brioche made with kefir

Brioche – a beautiful and tasty French pastry often enjoyed at breakfast. This rich buttery bread is usually made with milk or water which can easily be replaced with kefir.

Our friend Carole Marret was so kind to share this recipe for brioche with us. Big thanks, Carole! We have tried them by ourselves and they were very fluffy and quite delicious. Here are two recipes, one is more rich, with eggs and butter and the second one is a bit more plain. Try them out and let us know how it goes! 🙂

Prepare your own brioche! 

Recipe n°1 :

500 g flour
1 pack dry baker’s yeast
300 ml tepid milk kefir
10 g salt
60 g sugar
3 eggs
100 g softened butter

kefir_flourInstructions: First put all the ingredients in a bread maker on dough program or if you do the dough yourself: pour flour, tepid milk kefir and yeast into a bowl and mix everything. Add sugar, salt and eggs. Knead about 5 minutes to obtain a homogeneous paste.  Finally add the diced softened butter. And knead again for about 10 minutes. Form a ball of dough and place it in the floured bowl. Leave to rest for 1,5-2 hrs in a warm place.


kefir_doughFlour a work surface and place the ball of dough on it. Cut into pieces of the same size. Shape small balls (or place the entire dough on a cake mould). Place the balls of dough on a cooking tray and let the dough rise again for about 1 hour. It should double in volume. Place the brioche in the cold oven and heat it to 180 ° C and bake for 30-35 minutes. We brushed some egg yolk (with water) on the top for the shine.

Recipe n°2 :

350 ml tepid milk kefir
1 tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoons salt
450 g flour
1 pack dry baker’s yeast

briocheInstructions: Follow the same steps than the first recipe (without butter and eggs) and bake them in the oven on 220 °C for 25 minutes.

Hope you enjoy this kefir inspired recipe!

kefir with brioche
Photo by Carol Marret

Get Kefirko kefir fermenter here.


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