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Home > Recipes > Fruity probiotic ice lollies

Fruity probiotic ice lollies

Summer is here and that means sunny days with little chance of escaping the heat. We all love ice cream, kids even more, but sometimes ice creams are full of sugar and other sweeteners and artificial coloring. Why should we agree to that, when we know there is better, healthier alternative – fruity probiotic ice lollies.

Kefir lollies with fruits are perfect for kids. They are fresh, great tasting and can be made specifically to your kids wishes. Furthermore, they will provide kids with a healthy dose of probiotics to protect their immune system.

milk kefir
Mix kefir with fruit to get more flavour.

Recipe for fruity probiotic kefir lollies


  • 200 ml homemade kefir (from dairy or non-dairy milk)
  • 1 tbsp honey (or any other sweetener, including fruit syrups)
  • fruits of your choice
  • flakes of your choice
  • vanilla powder or any other spices you like
  • chocolate


Mix kefir with honey, add fruit and mix the mixture. If you use bananas, you need (almost) no honey or other sweeteners. Fill the ice lolly moulds with a mixture according to your taste:

  • fruit puréed in kefir,
  • kefir and pieces of fruit,
  • flakes, etc.

If you like your ice lollies creamy, use creamy kefir (left on a sieve for a few hours for the whey to separate). Freeze the ice lollies for few hours.

Fruity probiotic ice lollies
Fruity probiotic lollies made with fresh kefir

IMPORTANT: if you want probiotics in kefir to survive and reactivate once ingested, don’t freeze lollies for too long. Few hours will do.

Recipe created by Mrs Urška Fartelj for Kefirko recipe booklet.


Get Kefirko kefir fermenter here.

Get milk kefir grains here.


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Articles: 128

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