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Home > Recipes > Gluten free Apple Clouds with kefir

Gluten free Apple Clouds with kefir

Prepare this gluten free apple clouds with kefir cheese for a perfect autumn treat. The recipe was created by our friend Melanie Reisner-Kollmann from


  • 3 eggs
  • 100 g Kefir cheese
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • vanilla powder
  • 20g coconut flour
  • 1 large apple
  • 1 tablespoon sugar or honey
gluten free apple clouds
Making these apple clouds gives you plenty possibilities for creativity. You can make a colorful treat that will impress anyone!

How to make gluten free apple clouds?

You have to make kefir cheese first because it takes some time. Take 500 ml of kefir and strain it in the Kefirko Cheese Maker, use pressing spring with disc to get more dry cheese. Take it out of the mesh basket next day. Now you can use 100g of this cheese for your apple clouds.

First cut the apple into slices. Separate the eggs yolk and whites into two bowls.

Beat the egg whites on high speed until light and foamy.

Mix the yolks well and add kefir cheese, spices, sugar and coconut flour, continue mixing.

Then fold in the beaten egg white.

Now spread 6 small heaps with a tablespoon on the baking tray (covered with baking paper) and put the apple-slices on it.

Bake at 170 degrees for about 15 minutes until light brown. Enjoy them warm out of the oven!

Bon apetit!

apple tarts
This will go nicely with a cup of coffee in the mornings or a cup of warm herbal tea in the evening. And every possible hour of the day.  🙂 When is your favourite time to enjoy this kind of baked goods?

Get Kefirko kefir fermenter and Kefirko cheese maker:

kefir fermenter

cheese maker


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