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Home > Recipes > Quick Onion Buns with Pumpkin Seeds

Quick Onion Buns with Pumpkin Seeds

You need only 30 minutes to prepare these delicious Onion Buns with Pumpkin Seeds. Start baking now!


  • 500 g wheat flour (or wheat flour in combination with any other type of flour)
  • 1/2 cup ground pumpkin seeds
  • 2 dcl kefir
  • 5–0.75 dcl milk
  • 20 g fresh yeast
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 5 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 big or 2 small spring onions
  • 2 larger garlic cloves
  • 1 egg white for glaze
  • 1 tbsp chopped pumpkin seeds for garnish
Onion buns
Small onion buns with kefir and pumpkin seeds on top.


Sieve the flour into a mixing bowl, make a hole in the flour, and add warm milk, crumbled yeast and sugar. Wait for about 8 minutes for the yeast to start frothing. In the meantime, prepare the garlic and onion. Mince both and fry gently on olive oil for a short time on a low heat. Stop frying when you can smell the garlic and the onion becomes tender. If you fry the garlic for too long, it will become brown and the buns will taste bitter. Cool down the garlic and onion.

When the yeast starts frothing, add the remaining ingredients and knead into soft dough. Add flour or liquid if necessary. The dough must be soft but not sticky. Finally, add the fried garlic and onion.

Onion buns dough should be soft but sticky.
Onion buns dough should be soft but sticky.

Form 12 balls and let them rise for about 15 minutes. If you want your buns to be smooth-crusted, roll them between your palms just as soon as you form the last ball. In the meantime, coat the buns with whipped egg white. (If you use a large egg, just take 1 tsp egg white from the egg you put in the dough; otherwise, use 1 extra egg.) Sprinkle with chopped pumpkin seeds.

Bake the buns for about 10–15 minutes. If you knock on the buns and they sound hollow, they are done. Cover the freshly baked buns with a cloth and leave them to cool down. This will give your buns a soft crust.

Baked Onion Buns with pumpkin seeds

Recipe created by Mrs Urška Fartelj for Kefirko recipe booklet.


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