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Home > Recipes > Ramsons water kefir smoothie recipe

Ramsons water kefir smoothie recipe

Ramsons water kefir smoothie is a refreshing spring beverage. Ramsons known as wild garlic is a delicious wild plant that grows in the spring when there is not a lot of fresh vegetables available yet. 

It is rich with Vitamins A and C, with iron, magnesium and manganese – all needed for body cleanse and help regulate high blood pressure and cholesterol. This recipe includes also flax and hemp seeds that are rich in Omega-3, which are important for many brain activity and better mood. Water kefir is a natural probiotic that adds much needed lactic acid bacteria and yeasts that benefit the digestion and protect the immune system, which is especially welcome after the winter cold season.

ramsons water kefir
Make this detox smoothie for early spring detox and revitalization. It’s a combination of ingredients that will give you more energy and help you “clean out” all the bad stuff from your body that accumulated during winter.

Ramsons water kefir smoothie you can easily prepare


  • 3-7 leaves of ramsons
  • 2 handfuls of corn salad leaves (Valerianella locusta)
  • 1 apple sliced
  • ⅓ avocado
  • 1 tbsp flax seeds ground
  • 1 tbsp hemp seeds ground
  • 200 ml apple juice
  • 300 ml water kefir
ramsons water kefir smoothie
Use freshly picked ingredients from nature to prepare this spring green smoothie.


Rinse ramsons, corn salad and apple and dry with a towel. Slice apple and avocado. Put all ingredients in a blender and mix well until smooth in texture.

Tip: Many people are discouraged by green looking smoothies because they fear all the vegetables will make it taste sour. By adding fruits and fruit juice to modify the taste.

water kefir smoothie
Use homemade water kefir to prepare this refreshing and rich in probiotics ramsons smoothie


Water kefir is made with water kefir grains, sugar and water. The recipe is: 6 spoons of water kefir grains, same amount of sugar, 1l water and fruit to taste. Put everything in a jar and leave to ferment for one day. It’s ready to drink then or you can leave it for another day or two to get more fizz and sour taste.

Recipe was created by Mojca Dolinar from

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Articles: 128


  1. I love how you’ve combined the wild garlic goodness of Ramsons with the probiotic power of water kefir, Urska. I’ll be blending up a batch of this revitalizing drink soon!”

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