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Home > Recipes > Scrambled eggs with kefir curds and wild hops

Scrambled eggs with kefir curds and wild hops

Scrambled eggs are frequently on the meal when we want a rich breakfast. Together with buds from a wild hops and kefir curds they can be quite a treat!

Eggs are a tasty food and a rich source of essential amino acids. Kefir curds made from kefir will enrich the dish with proteins that can be easily digested. Young buds of hops will add a lot of vitamin C, beta-carotene and minerals.

kefir curds
Scrambled eggs are a perfect breakfast meal. Packed with proteins this will definitely give you the energy boost you need to start your day.

Recipe for scrambled eggs with kefir curds


  • butter
  • 4 eggs
  • bunch of buds of hops
  • 2 tbsp kefir ricotta
  • salt and pepper

Chop the all parts of the buds except the peaks and save leafs some for decoration.

Melt butter in the hot pan and quickly fry the hops peaks then add chopped buds. Mix in the scrambled eggs, ricotta and fry until finished. Finally spice it with salt and pepper and decorate with leafs from that we saved from the buds.

scrambled eggs ingredients
You will need only a few basic ingredients to prepare this delicious breakfast meal. You can easily replace the hops for other herbs or veggies: parsley, chives, mint, etc.

How to prepare kefir curds

Prepare the milk kefir as usual and strain the kefir grains once the kefir is ready. Pour the kefir in a pot and heat until it starts to boil. Turn of the heater and leave to rest for half an hour. After this time strain through mesh basket and leave until it strains and cools down to room temperature. Then you can store it in the fridge and use in different recipes: for spreads, pies, etc.

This recipe created Mojca Dolinar,

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