Spring salad with mildly hot kefir dressing

Air is getting warmer, birds are singing and flowers are staring to bloom. There is no denying anymore, SPRING is here and we love it. Great time for a spring salad!
Any time not we’ll have fresh vegetables and other ingredients in the kitchen. Now we can eat even better than before. Spring also means that our kefir will ferment better since temperature is more natural and consistent. Our grains will produce the best ferment of the year.

Since we love fresh vegetables and kefir so much there is nothing better than to combine these two in a special kefir topped spring salad. Here is a very simple recipe for topping and salad, however, you can add just about anything to suit it to your taste. Kefir will be a great base for the dressing.
• 3–4 tbsp thick homemade kefir
• 5 quail’s eggs
• lamb’s lettuce
• 5–7 radishes
• chive
• salt
• freshly ground black pepper
• balsamic vinegar
• freshly ground chilli (or: 2–3 drops chilli oil)
In a bowl, mix minced chive, freshly ground chilli, kefir and salt. Boil the quail’s eggs (boil them at least 5 minutes), then peel and slice them.
Wash the radishes and cut them into thin rings. Dress the spring salad, mix and serve. Of course you can also experiment and add other spices and ingredients to the salad.
Recipe created by Mrs Urška Fartelj for Kefirko recipe booklet.
Get Kefirko kefir fermenter here.
Get Kefirko Cheese maker here.