Probiotic drink to boost your kids immunity!

How can probiotic drink help your kids immune system?
Even though winter is slowly coming to its end, we are still facing non-stop common colds, coughing and other small health problems. Having kids, these colds are even more often, especially if they are in kindergarten or school.
The food and drinks we consume have a huge effect on our general wellbeing. A higher amount of probiotics consumed has very positive effects on our immunity. But often cannot very easily convince kids to eat or drink something healthy. Therefore here is a wonderful recipe that will satisfy even the stubborn ones.
A simple probiotic drink for children
- 1 dcl homemade kefir
- 1 tsp honey or 1/2 ripe banana
- fruit
- spices according to taste (vanilla, cinnamon, Christmas spice mix)
Add any fruit that the children like, add the ripe banana and/or spices; blend. Serve the probiotic drink to the children the moment you prepare it. This way it will contain the highest levels of nutrients, probiotics and vitamins.
If you store the drink in a sealed glass in the refrigerator, it will still make an excellent snack in a few hours or even on the next day. A second fermentation will take place when you store your drink in the refrigerator for about 24 hrs. You kefir will become even tastier and contain more vitamin B and folic acid. Also, calcium and magnesium compounds in kefir will transform, become easily digested and the body will benefit fully from these as well as from other nutrients.
We advise you not to store your kefir with fruits for more than 24 hours, since a third fermentation might occur and turn the fruit sugars into alcohol. If you want to prepare a whole week’s supply of probiotic drinks, we advise you to store only kefir in sealed glasses and add fruits and “sweeteners” as you go.
Recipe is created by Mrs Urška Fartelj for Kefirko recipe booklet.
Get your Kefirko kefir fermenter here.
Get your 2nd fermentation supplies here.
What does dcl stand for. I am new to this. Made myfirst batch today. Really like it!
Hi Jeanne!
The dcl means deciliter, it’s 1/10 of a liter, so 100 ml.