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Home > Kefir and figs – a perfect combination

Kefir and figs – a perfect combination

Figs are both, tasty and nutritious. Kefir and figs make a perfect pair.

A fig is a succulent little fruit with blooms and seeds inside its fleshy skin, and is very nutritious. While it’s rich in natural sugar, it also has the distinction of containing just as much calcium, fiber and antioxidants as any plant-based food.

Each fig also provides just the right amounts of the nutrients magnesium, manganese, calcium, copper, potassium, folate, vitamin K and vitamin A. Together, these compounds have the capacity to regulate blood sugar levels, reduce the risk of cancer (specifically postmenopausal breast cancer), and manage blood pressure levels, to name a few.

Dried figs contain even greater nutritional value than fresh ones, making them perfect for ancient or modern nomads. While it’s important to monitor the amount you consume due to their sugar content, chopped dried figs would make a great addition to a salad.*

kefir and figs
Each fig also provides just the right amounts of the nutrients magnesium, manganese, calcium, copper, potassium, folate, vitamin K and vitamin A.

Smoothie with figs is like a cake in a glass

In a blender, blend 4 fresh figs, 200 ml of homemade kefir, handful of almonds and 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon.

Overnight chia pudding is a delicious option to start your day

For this kefirolicious chia pudding mix 200 ml of homemade kefir and 30 g of chia seeds in a glass jar or a bowl. Close with the lid and store overnight in the fridge. In the morning, add 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon and sliced 3 fresh figs.

What to serve with pancakes? Homemade fig jam.

And finally, a tasty homemade jam with American pancakes. At this link you will find the pancakes recipe and below is my mother’s fig jam recipe:

– 1 kg of peeled fresh figs
– 200 g of sugar
– 1 lemon

Boil figs until softened with stirring for about 20 min. Add sugar and diced lemon. Stir everything for another 40 minutes, until the liquid evaporates. Optionally add vanilla extract.

* What Are Figs Good For?


This blog created Vedrana from Kefirolicious!


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